Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Forty-six days and counting! That's all we have left until the big moment when the I do's will be said. The planning is coming along and there isn't too much left to do, honestly. Of course, this is my first time ever planning a wedding so who knows what the week before we get married will look like! I am sure there will be lots of "oh, i didn't think of that" and "I forgot to..." and "did you...no, I thought you..." will be said. But honestly, it will go perfectly. Life isn't about the imperfections, it's about the journey and I have had the best journey ever planning our wedding.
The most recent thing that I have done is try on my wedding dress. When Mark and I started talking about getting married, specifically, the date at which we were looking, I realized that I probably should start looking for a dress. So, I began looking before we even got engaged! After looking for a very simple and affordable dress (without any lace, silk, or chiffon) I contacted a local seamstress to help create my dress. I took a picture of a dress that I really liked and showed her what I wanted. Amazingly, she found a pattern and met me at the local fabric shop. We talked about fabric, fit, length, and what I wanted out of the dress. I told her these things:1. it had to be simple2. it had to either be able to modify it or dye it (I want to be able to wear it again!)3. it had to be under $300.
After a few fittings, she has let me try on the full length gown. When I put it on, I couldn't stop smiling. In that moment, love, simplicity, beauty, and gratefulness merged together and overwhelmed me. It was such a beautiful moment that I will remember forever. This dress is a perfect match for me. And when you see it, you'll know why.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds really magical! I just got the goose bumps! I can't wait to see the dress!
